- product available in 6 installments

The showcase site is suitable for companies and freelancers who want to be present on the web in a simple and effective way. This cost-effective mode allows you to promote your business locally, nationally and internationally.
A professional and ready-to-use website? With our sweppability, using your colors, your philosophy and the characteristics that distinguish you, we create your online showcase. The site you need just a click away!
We recommend that you read the description below before purchasing.
Sweppa specializes in creating professional sites with custom text and graphics. Our showcases are simple and performing in navigation, complete with all the company information, which optimize the organic indexing on search engines (SEO). We create for you a project capable of satisfying your every need. Our staff takes care of coordinating all the administrative and technical aspects, thus obtaining your digital business card. After the purchase you will be sent an information questionnaire in which you can enter your data and you will be contacted by our agency for the operating methods. We remind you that the texts, any translations and images must be provided by the customer or purchased through our portal. Also in the specific case of the purchase of the "product catalog" you will have to fill in the database through a file with predefined fields according to our specifications and correlated by photos.
The site includes:
- A top-level domain, 3 1 GB mailboxes, hosting space on the latest generation servers and data backup.
- Custom graphics based on your logo and company colors.
- Insertion and optimization of texts for organic SEO with relative search keys for the web.
- A responsive site where the appearance of the showcase will automatically adapt on any type of screen and therefore will be clearly visible on mobile, desktop and tablet.
- Insertion of contacts, information and corporate social links.
- Contact form for your customers through e-mail.
- Annual technical assistance.
Delivery time: four working weeks after the acquisition of textual, graphic and multimedia content.
Annual renewal, excluding the first year, equal to 25% of the list price, which includes, the technical assistance of the site, the management of e-mail, hosting space, backups and updating of text and image content, for a maximum of two times a year.
In the event that you choose the text production service, one of our consultants will take care of the drafting; the contents to be inserted will be evaluated, through an interview with the customer.
We recommend for a better indexing of businesses, the activation of the Google My Business service that helps Local Seo positioning and geolocation activity on Google Maps.
Do not hesitate to contact us for an offer on our additional services:
- booking form for professional firm appointments
- booking form for personal services
- booking form for rooms and hotels with booking synchronization